What Are The Processes Of Human Resource Management

Human resource management

Parker adam
3 min readMar 21, 2023
Singapore Human resource management.

Human Resource Management (HRM) is a vital function in any organization that involves managing employees and maximizing their potential to achieve the goals of the organization. HRM is a complex process that involves a wide range of activities, from recruiting and selecting employees to training and development, compensation, and performance management. In this article, we will discuss in detail the processes of human resource management.

Recruitment and Selection Process

The recruitment and selection process is the first step in the HRM process. It involves attracting and hiring suitable candidates for job positions. This process begins with identifying the job vacancy, followed by creating a job description, job specification, and job analysis. Once the job analysis is complete, the HR department starts the recruitment process by posting job ads on various platforms like job portals, newspapers, and social media.

The next step is the selection process, where the HR department screens the applications and shortlists the most suitable candidates. These candidates are then invited for an interview, which is conducted by the HR department or the respective department head. The selection process also involves verifying the candidate’s credentials, background check, and reference check.

Training and Development Process

The training and development process is another critical aspect of the HRM process. It involves enhancing the knowledge, skills, and abilities of the employees to improve their performance and productivity. This process begins with identifying the training needs of the employees, followed by designing the training program and selecting the training methods.

The training program may include on-the-job training, classroom training, e-learning, and workshops. The HR department also conducts various development programs like leadership development, career development, and succession planning.

Compensation and Benefits Process

Compensation and benefits are essential to attract and retaining the best talent in an organization. The compensation process involves setting up the pay structure, designing the pay scale, and determining the pay grade for each job position. The HR department also ensures that the compensation package is competitive and in line with industry standards.

The benefits process involves providing additional benefits to the employees, like health insurance, life insurance, retirement benefits, and paid time off. The HR department also ensures that the benefits package is in compliance with local laws and regulations.

Performance Management Process

The performance management process is the process of assessing and improving the performance of the employees. This process involves setting up performance goals, providing feedback, and conducting performance evaluations. The HR department also ensures that the performance evaluations are fair, accurate, and in line with the performance goals.

The performance management process also involves identifying the areas of improvement and providing training and development opportunities to the employees. The HR department also uses performance evaluation data to make decisions regarding promotions, bonuses, and termination.

Employee Relations Process

The employee relations process involves maintaining a positive relationship between the employer and the employees. The HR department ensures that the employees are treated fairly and with respect. The HR department also handles employee grievances and conflicts and ensures that they are resolved in a timely and effective manner.

The employee relations process also involves ensuring that the employees are aware of their rights and responsibilities. The HR department also promotes a healthy work culture and encourages employee engagement and involvement.


In conclusion, human resource management is a complex and dynamic process that involves several activities, including recruitment and selection, training and development, compensation and benefits, performance management, and employee relations. Each process is interlinked and essential for the overall success of the organization. A well-designed HRM process can help an organization attract and retain the best talent, improve employee performance and productivity, and achieve its goals.


