Engaging Employees 101: For energetic managers, only

21st Century Employee Engagement

Parker adam
2 min readNov 10, 2021
Photo by Clayton Cardinalli on Unsplash

The Techniques

For active employee engagement, it’s important to determine the most effective techniques in this modern era. Truth be told, there are many factors but perhaps none are as important as corporate social responsibility and organizational culture. Why? A different generational workforce requires new means of looking at things. Employees now value certain aspects such as empowerment, volunteer work, and is included in the decision-making process.

When companies cater to such preferences of employees, employees will be more engaged, and it has even been shown to reduce turnover rates by 57%. Thus, when a company follows such a methodology, they’ll be able to leverage upon a productive and efficient workforce for improved business performance.

In addition to participating in several volunteer activities, Hang Seng launched the H@SE mobile app in 2019, which acted as an internal Social Media Platform. Under the app, employees were given updates regarding the bank, allowed to post comments, and encouraged to vote on various topics. The app was so popular that just after two months of its launch, an 85% activation rate was achieved. All in all, this helped build an open, yet dynamic corporate culture where everyone was on the ball for the common good of the organization.

Under the practices put into place, it is rather evident that Hang Seng has catered to almost, if not all, of modern engagement techniques. Indeed, through their approaches, the bank has catered to the preferences of their

employees via active engagement throughout the entire organization’s hierarchy, community involvement, and personal empowerment. It is no wonder why then, that the bank has consistently been regarded as one of the top few organisations within the finance industry within Hong Kong.

Originally published at https://quickhr.co.



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